學習程式設計,語法固然重要,也是許多程式設計課程的教學重點。但是看的懂 C ,不見得會用 C 來解決問題(Problem solving),所以學會解題是重點中的重點。
ACM 協會針對每年程式設計比賽的練習需求,建立一個線上的題庫與評分系統,希望藉由題庫練習的機會,在此心得分享,讓有心學習程式解題的人,能有個溝通成長的橋樑。
請問要如何用c語言去寫出 A drug administered to a patient produces a concentration in the blood stream given by c(t) = A*t*exp(−t/3)mg/mL,t hours afterA units have been administered. The maximum safe concentration is 1 mg/mL. a)What amount should be injected to reach this safe level, and when does this occur? b)When should an additional amount be administered, if it is administered when the level drops to 0.25 mg/mL? c)Assuming 75% of the original amount is administered in the second injection, when should a third injection be given? (Hint:newdon way) 不好意思~~麻煩給些程式的提示!!感謝!!
1 則留言:
A drug administered to a patient produces a concentration in the blood stream given by c(t) = A*t*exp(−t/3)mg/mL,t hours afterA units have been administered. The maximum safe concentration is 1 mg/mL.
a)What amount should be injected to reach this safe level, and when does this occur?
b)When should an additional amount be administered, if it is administered when the level drops to 0.25 mg/mL?
c)Assuming 75% of the original amount is administered in the second injection, when should a third injection be given? (Hint:newdon way)